Image credit: kidsahead.com
The Importance of Your Criminology and Psychology Personal Statement
Getting onto the program that you want to apply to is not going to be easy. Most programs are oversubscribed and you are going to have to work hard on your application if you are going to beat your competition. Unless you can make your application stand out from the other applicants then you may find that you are not chosen for the place that you want.
Applicants will often have grades and qualifications that are pretty similar so you will need to make yourself stand out in another way. The only opportunity that you will have to do this is with your personal statement for criminology and psychology. A well written statement can often be the deciding factor when they make your decisions so it is vital that you write yours perfectly.
Using Personal Statement Examples Criminology
Criminology and psychology personal statement examples are a good way to get ideas and to see how others have approached their writing. However they need to be treated with care. Never copy them, not only is that plagiarism it also will not help you. Your personal statement needs to be written about you and your plans for the future and should also be tailored to reflect the expectations of the program that you are applying to. Also not every sample that you see online is as good as they claim so you need to use them with care when you are writing your own.
Tips for Writing Your Perfect Personal Statement
The following are some easy to use tips that will help you to ensure that your psychology or law with criminology personal statement will help you to win your criminology and psychology place:
Tailor your statement to reflect what the program that you are applying to is looking for. Check the prospectus and website to ensure that you know what they value in an applicant.
Your opening line must hook in the reader so that they will want to read more. Try to use an interesting personal anecdote that will get their attention.
Make your personal statement flow like a story rather than simply listing facts about yourself as you would in your resume.
Do not repeat information that they can find elsewhere in your application.
Clearly cover the information that they want to know about you:
- Why do you have an interest in criminology and psychology?
- How have you pursued this interest until now?
- What do you see as your career?
- What skills do you have that suit you for this area?
- Why are you applying to this specific program of study?
Avoid all forms of clichés and also quotations: they want to hear what you have to say.
Never use any slang or acronyms: also avoid the use of overly unusual or complex words taken from your thesaurus.
Be concise: if you can say it clearly in a dozen words don’t use 50.
Write about yourself and not others: this is your personal statement.
Proofread until you are confident that there are no errors in your writing.
We Can Craft Your Personal Statement
If you are not sure where to start or simply don’t have the time to create your personal statement our personal statement writing and editing services can help. We offer specialized help through consultants that hold relevant PhD or Masters degrees and who fully understand what the committee will expect to see. All of our work is fully proofread to eliminate errors and tested for plagiarism so that you can be sure that your submission will be unique.